Monday, April 10, 2017

secret life of trees

Open Archive Day

A year ago, I wrote a feature on communication and (almost) cognitive abilities of plants, citing the extremely successful popular science book by German forest ranger Peter Wohlleben Das geheime Leben der Bäume (The Secret Life of Trees) as evidence for the observation that this topic appears to resonate with the zeitgeist.

Since then, his book has been published in English (The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate-Discoveries from a Secret World; Greystone Books,Canada; Sept. 2016) and French (La Vie secrète des arbres; Les Arènes; March 2017) translations, I've seen the main evening news on France 2 running a major report based on the book and conjuring up holographic trees in the studio, and the original is still in the bestsellers list in Germany, so I'm guessing it still resonates.

As the feature is now in the open archives, here's a chance to read it for free:

Could plants have cognitive abilities?

The French edition of Wohlleben's book, published March 2017.

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